
fredag, maj 28

NWS, unless you're a stripper 

From Dad. How good are you at guessing fake or real?
He got a 14.


My favorite math teacher, Mishter Guffey, passed away Monday. What they don't have in that obit is how he taught me to play softball wearing his blue, tight old-man pants with the thread worn around his wallet, how he taught us derivatives like none other, how he'd poke fun at me for being a whiz at solitaire when I'd just scored 100% on one of his tests- the only one in the class and me a year younger than the rest of his students. That he was the first at UH to have a whiteboard instead of chalk and was fiercely protective of his markers, keeping them usable for as long as possible. He yelled at me when I didn't know how to slide and sort went shoulder and butt first into home plate at a softball game about how I was supposed to get down and slide and completely took my mind off of how much my (broken) tailbone hurt. I was really sad when he left UH the year before I graduated, but happy that I'd gotten to have him instead of the string of replacement teachers they brought in. So here's to you Mishter Guffey, for furthering my love of math.

Take one down, pass it around 

With Ghani's brilliant finding of gmail swap, I successfully traded one of my invites for 12 bottles of beer in my fridge. Congratulations, Blake, you've got gmail!

torsdag, maj 27


Sore. Today's the last day of mini-camp, and my right leg is aching like none other from kicking. Football kicking is so different from soccer kicking though I swear I've heard of soccer-style kicking that goes just as well as the football way. If I had time to do anything but sleep, eat, and play football, I'd look it up. Thank goodness after this week, practices drop to 3x a week.

onsdag, maj 26

Everybody, lean! 

This morning, coming over a hill quickly with my headlights still on after the rain, I was surprised and braked hard and swerved to avoid hitting

a turtle.

tirsdag, maj 25

Red in the face 

One of the conversation in the bathroom was about rouge vs. blush, whether calling that product blush made it sound cheaper than that product called rouge.

Driving past THI Friday, Nagi and I stopped and looked at the F-18 parked on the tarmac. I decided that I wanted one, but Nagi claimed I can't get one just as myself. Once I become leader of a rouge nation, I'll get one! A land where the leader is chosen by the redness of cheeks! A land without stopsigns- we'll just put some rouge on a stick, if we want people to stop. A land with a #1 import of cosmetics!

Rogue, I meant rogue.

mandag, maj 24

Dollar dance 

Saturday night was a fantastic experience. I dressed up, we drove to Indy, and went to the Classy Chassy. Met TCB's former roommate V and, once he left to go dj at another bar, hung out with an off-duty waitress. Met one of the girls in the bathroom, had a short conversation about nipples. Had a few beers, admired the shoes and use of the pole.
"I'm not leaving until I get boobs on my face."-TCB
It's really strange to watch your boyfriend stare at another girl. Seeing him standing there, hands inactive, with the "boy looks at candy" expression on his face and her legs wrapped around his neck, I couldn't help but find is adorable. But it did make me wonder what's different abut the girl you can't have and the girl you already have? Does that make you feel as though you're 'settling' for the girl you've got or de-value those girls you can't have? What happens when the girl you've got acts like, dresses like, looks like that girl you can't get?

In the end, I had a fantastic time, leaving the club with glitter I didn't put on.


First, Nagi came down for the weekend.
Then we went out to Little[1]'s job keg. It was decided that it was family hoochie night, so I broke out my blue pleated skirt for the first time ever. It worked well until Spuddo put me in the kiddy pool in front of the DDD house for some reason I can't remember.
Saturday, Nagi and I got up and had First Wok while TCB replaced the half shaft on his car. Nagi introduced me to the DDR thing in the mall and we saw Shrek 2. Some small thing implausible, but other than that, Puss in Boots is really, really cute.
Sunday involved Bump Day and football practice #1. Lots of driving: we watched the Monaco F1 race that night.

fredag, maj 21

Lipstick? check. 

What does a girl expect when her boyfriend asks, "do you have any plans between 9pm and 3am Saturday? I may ask you to show up at my place, dressed a little slutty." ?

*Edit* It means you're going to a strip club in Indy

Hold my purse? 

Last night at the football event, I was not the girliest player there.

But I was in the top 5.

onsdag, maj 19


anybody up for a rousing game of Pac Manhattan at Dear Old Rose this summer? Or Pac Manhaute. Or Pac Manbloomington. We can pose as freshman!


TCB asked me to read something for a website he'd written I replied:
I'm in web-edit mode, not girlfriend mode. Girly girlfriend would say, "Oh, it's great honey. I like the colors!" So... [prodeeded to rip it apart]

His reply:
Thanks for the comments. This is why I had you read it. If you would have said, "oh, it's great honey. I really like the colors!" I think I would have gotten in my car, driven to SL, walked in, pissed on the floor next you your desk, and walked out.

Happy Dance! 

After much searching yesterday with Little[2], I found my sandals, in blue, but in the men's department. My feet are in heaven.

Also found an orange and blue shirt [on sale] to wear to Speed contract signing and the beer tasting fundraiser afterwards. I'm totally going to be the girliest football player there. Now... Which purse do I bring?

tirsdag, maj 18

Till I dropped 

So, this weekend I picked up my Sister from IND and, while waiting for Aunt M to get to Indy, we shopped at the Fasion Mall and I purchased my first non-underwear from Vickie's. It's sooo comfortable and I want to wear it all the time.
Also, I got some of the lipglass that Cosmo's been raving about and I'd just like to say: It's great. Some of the best lip stuff I've ever had or stolen from my sister. It stays on forever, doens't taste like anything. The only downside is that TCB says it's sticky when he gets it on him.

Check out the booty 

Quiz by buntz

via nagi

mandag, maj 17

I are Pant! 

For Joel and Nagi


You'd think I would have learned my lesson on Thursday when I burned my arm with a cookie sheet right out of the oven, that hot food is really hot. Not so. Today, I microwaved my hamburger for 2 minutes on high and burned myself on the cheese when I tried to pick it up right away and put in on the bun. Result: 4 burned fingers, one blistered finger, and a really embarrassing story.

søndag, maj 16

Make it shallow 

Mat up with Mark and company last night for the pre-mario kart festivities, which included having a few at his place before heading out. On the way to the bar (to also pick up my last paycheck,) I called WMHD to request a song for my first time ever. I talked to Cramer who, it turns out knows members of our going-out party, so we bought him a beer for staying overtime to play music for us. Just as he showed up at the bar, Goods stepped on the heel of my sandal and broke the side. This tragedy, however, only gives me the opportunity to realize one of my dreams- to have structurally duct taped shoes.

fredag, maj 14

Hook it up 

Playing Mario Kart 64 tonight with Mark, I realised that I really miss playing all those games with you guys. Without them, I feel somehow deprived; beating TCB at Halo every time just doesn't satisfy me like getting completely taken apart as soon as I respawn, much as I hate it. Or completely not knowing where I am playing Smash Brothers Melee. Or DoA Beach Volleyball. Mmmm...

Plus, I I feel kind of bad telling TCB to suck it when I'm beating him like a little girl. Anybody up for playing [anything] this weekend? I've a feeling I'm going to be really violent otherwise.

torsdag, maj 13

Blogger Games 

Wouldn't it be great if we could get the best of both worlds, adding rich metadata while maintaining control of the visual presentation? The Art & Science of Web Design Jeffery Veen


1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

onsdag, maj 12

tree < lion = Kenya Wins 

Where can you see lions? Only in Kenya! Free Snorkel with every visit!

Four miles? Pfft 

As bikini season nears and the last of the holiday pooch gets run off, I'm looking up how many calories are burned in my favorite activities.
I've been told a good, vigorus session of sex can burn as much as running four miles.
MSNBC's calorie calulator puts 4 miles (est. 45 minutes) at 483 calories, but to get that many during sex, I'm up to 314 minutes of moderate or 270 minutes of vigorus sex. Personally, 4.5-5 hours of sex to burn a McChicken isn't *quite* what I'm after. Guess I'll still be lifting and running to get in shape for football and bikinis.

tirsdag, maj 11

The kitten 

A woman walked into the SL office today with a kitten, asking if anybody wanted it. I miss having a kitty around to play with but, in town, I'd need to have an indoor kitty. The woman couldn't have been very old though she talked about her daughter pulling on the kitty, this kitten that was happy in the woman's arms, playing with her hand. I so desperately wanted to pick that kitten up, take it home and keep it forever.
         I could just envision kitty and I at home on summer nights in front of the fan, her sleeping and me watching Buffy or curling up to watch a movie with a blanket on cold nights. That kitty would get played with, learn to like car rides, bat at apartment bugs, and sleep on my bed. It's too bad my apartment doesn't allow new pets.

mandag, maj 10

It gets me 

That the people quickest1 to honk when you almost2 pull out in front of them when you can't see down a street also double the speed limit and swerve across the road in residential areas.

1. quickest today
2. almost by half a block, the amount that I could see due to three large trucks in the way. They didn't even have to swerve. Just honk after I'd stopped.

More changes 

Another change (and testing out posting by email) is that I've put a
link to my Kinja digest on the side, where you can check out the recent
posts of the blogs I'd like to link to, but don't want to commit the
space or maybe they don't update often or maybe I just read them for
fun, voyeur-like. Anyway, enjoy!


With Blogger's new interface and features, I'm updating SoccerCS to take advantage of them. The old, old comments have been moved to archive pages and blogger's comments are taking their place. Unfortunately, the blogger comments only start displaying with new posts, so please forgive the strageness in dividers. Current comments are getting moved to a smaller role and will eventually (if I like the blogger comments) also move to the archived pages. The permalinks should go to pages unto themselves with the blogger comments displayed. Hopefully, more to come as I further explore blogger's mother's day gifts.

**I didn't really like Blogger's comments. functional, yes, but I really didn't like being promted to sign in every time I wanted to comment. Or getting the runaround that took me to the permalink page to see all the comments before I could comment. I'll keep my system for now, thank you.

fredag, maj 7

You can tell me 

The Blunt Truth, where you create a quiz for your friends to answer questions about you and see how people really feel. I'd say be nice, but honesty is.. good? Hold me, I'm nervous.

Return of the cold 

I love the warm weather, when it's time to "take off bulky winter coats and wear summer clothes without getting frozen.1"
      Except I still get frozen.
It's all fine outside, I'm warm, it's sunny, I leave my windows open in my room. I wake up earlier because of the warm sounds of the birds outside. I'll get dressed (with the windows still open, but who's going to look?) and have breakfast with the kitchen door to the enclosed porch open. My apartment is a lovely temperature- just below shade.
      Then I get in my car to go to work- my car's warming up with the day's sun in the windshield and the mini-sauna feels really good. Good thing I like it hot- the ac doesn't work very well in the car. I arrive at work nice and relaxed and toasty.
      Then I go inside and freeze2. I'm cold even with my sweater on. They boys in the office tell me that my vote to turn off the ac earlier doesn't count since I'm wearing the least amount of clothes but I think being cold in a sweater in summer ought to make mine count more.

1- quote, Eva Borleans
2- every office I've worked in, I've originally been placed immediately under the ac vent. At least here, I can move away from it and still freeze.

Another book 

Lately, I've been slogging though another book, The Art and Science of Web Design by Veen and finding it very difficult indeed. It presents many of the same design and philosphy ideas for web that other books do, but just a bit different and there's just a bit more information. It's going very slowly, since I have to read to comb though it and make sure I'm not skimming passages that I believe containg no new information.
      Also, I've been 'hired' to make Cincinnati's DDD Alum Chapter's webpage and this book isn't helping with that, either. Right now I'm learning about mysql and PHP to implement those things that they'd like done, like content management and a photo gallery. I'm hoping that, since I plan on being very boring this weekend, I can knock the learning of these things out and start on the design.

onsdag, maj 5

Cinco de Mayo!! 

"Cinco de Mayo? That's on the 15th, right?" -TCB

And, a website that's still up from the last time [some person] was in Mexico on a cruise with their betrothed(s). Includes lessons learned, things accomplished, and places they went, but the promise of pictures is a lie. Enjoy!

tirsdag, maj 4

Better than white hot chocolate 

Click through on the first page and play Boohbah for a while. Go on, just click on things. Click on those wierd shaped things in the corner. Click on that rainbow path and the box in the middle. Click. Click. You'll swear you're high in 5 minutes.

mandag, maj 3

Pictures are coming soon 

Auntie Ghani has hers, and how it's time for Auntie Palila's version of:
Do's and Don'ts for a Fun Night Out.

Do: Dress up for an evening wedding
Don't: Wear the shoes of death that always make your heels bleed

Do: Bring your boyfriend
Don't: Allow your ex-boyfriend to introduce himself to your boyfriend

Do: Have a few drinks to relax you before going to see your ex.
Don't: Have a few drinks times 3 before going to hang on your ex.

Do: Make nice with your ex's date, especially if it's an old friend
Don't: Make out with her (or tell everybody you did when it never happened)

Do: Dance
Don't: Dance with every person but your date

Do: Remember you are wearing non-practical shoes
Don't: Take the band saying "you guys have great energy" to mean you should fling yourself around wildly on the dance floor, ending up with many blisters

Do: Go pass out in the car when everybody goes to Steak&Shake
Don't: Try to get fries with that

søndag, maj 2


Q: What do you do if you puke on a car?
A: Pee it off

Q: If Terre Haute is the Adult Disneyland, what is the Epcot Center?
A: Sonka's

More to come about my exciting, drunken weekend. In the meantime, please enjoy this template tweak.

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